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Litchfield School District

“Imagine Greatness…Expect Success!”


School Dude

IT & Maintenance Requests

Submission Directions

Maintenance Request First Time Users:

The first time you access the system you will be asked to create your account. You will need a user account number and password to log in. Please click here to view instructions on how to use School Dude for Maintenance requests. If you have an emergency, please call your facility manager and enter the work order as soon as possible after the incident.

Staff Facility Requests First Time Users:
The first time you access the system you will be asked to create your account. You will need a user name and password to log in. Use your district email address for your user name and create a password that you can remember. Please click here to view instructions on how to use FS Direct for Facility requests.

If you encounter problems accessing the system, or require additional assistance, please contact the SAU Office at 603-578-3570.
IT Help Requests:
The IT Department has moved to Google Forms to process all technology issues and requests.  Please access the new form here.